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Requirements are as follows:
14 hours are due by the end of the year
7 are due by the end of first semester
4 tutoring required
Email Maahi Patel (mdp100@) if you have any questions about probation or your hours
If you would like to discuss a special case, email Matthew Reed (mar3802@) ASAP
Mandatory Projects
Meeting Attendance = 1 hour
1 additional hour penalty each for non-participation
Classroom Tutoring = 2 hours
School Beautification = varies
Club Activities/Community
Service Max. of 3 Hours Each
Canned Food Drive
Problem of the Month
Christmas Family
T-Shirt and Logo (Max of 1 hour)
Video and Scrapbook
Max. of 5 hours Total
Walmart Cards - Funds buy printer ink, colored paper, activity supplies for math classes, door prizes for meetings, breakfast for Algebra
Technology Donations
Funds go towards refurbishing and buying calculators
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